Which mutual funds are accepted for availing a loan against mutual funds?
There are over 6000+ approved mutual fund schemes in equity, debt & hybrid category. You may access the list here
Funds pertaining to which AMCs can be pledged to avail a loan against mutual funds?
All AMCs are eligible. You may access the list of approved schemes of each AMC here.
Can I avail loan against mutual funds held in demat form?
We now allow loans against mutual funds held in both demat and non-demat form. Moreover, your mutual funds need to belong to the <list of eligible mutual funds> prescribed by the lender.
What are the minimum and maximum required age for availing a loan against mutual fund?
You should be between 18 years to 70 years of age.
Can I avail loan against mutual funds which have joint account holders?
Yes, you can avail loan against mutual funds which are held by joint holders. However, as a part of the loan application journey, a co-borrower form has to be signed physically, and the same has to be sent to the lender's office for record-keeping purposes. We are working with a lender for a digital process in such a scenario.
Note that if such funds with joint holders are pledged, and you later wish to not proceed with the loan due to a co-borrower case, the processing fee will be applicable for loan cancellation.